Witchcraft has been present since the earliest human cultures and continues to have a significant influence on our lives today. It is not a practice common with only primitive or underdeveloped societies. It is a severe issue in developed or “high cultural” nations as well. In the world of the old Israelites, many countries practiced witchcraft as a state religion, while many others had it as a mighty stronghold. That was why the prophets and leaders spoke against it, warning Israelites not to yield to it. You cannot follow God and accept witchcraft. They don’t work together. Regrettably, civilization and the evolution of societies have not done away with the tenets and practices of witchcraft. Humankind has instead refined it, and is, today, making it look even more attractive, promoting it through the internet, books, and movies.

In fact, there is a rising tide of witchcraft in every nation today. Self-proclaimed witches now openly advertise their business and seek clients through every means, promising to provide luck charms, love potions, unique package products to keep a man tied to oneself, business success rings, magic pens, insights into one’s source of problems, and so on. That which used to be done in secret is now openly promoted and even celebrated by many as an alternative to God. Too bad.


The U.S. National Library of Medicine defines witchcraft as “An act of employing sorcery (the use of power gained from the assistance or control of spirits), especially with malevolent intent, and the exercise of supernatural powers and alleged intercourse with the devil or a familiar.” Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as: The use of sorcery or magic Communication with the devil or with a familiar spirit. An irresistible influence or fascination

WICCA – a religious belief that explores the magic in nature. The Cambridge dictionary, on the other hand, says it is: “The activity of performing magic to help or harm other people.”  And Collins Dictionary says it is the “use of magic powers, especially evil ones.” One collective agreement in these definitions is that it involves the use of evil powers to communicate with spirits, to pass a message, to perform a wonder, to provide a cure, to torture, to cause harm, to cause havoc, to confuse, to cause frustration, to manipulate, to dominate, to rule, to destroy, and to corrupt. Some argue that witchcraft has good in it. They cite curing of diseases, passing revelatory messages, and the production of magical powers for protection as the good that should be focused on. They sometimes insist that those who use witchcraft for evil are not practicing real witchcraft. However, this is exaggerated ignorance, because the harm that witchcraft produces far outweighs its good. God says that witchcraft is evil, and that’s the way to look at it. Period. We cannot pamper witchcraft or try to find a soft landing for it and all its elements. See witchcraft from the eyes and perspective of God – as provided in the Bible – and not as movie producers want you to see it. The Bible says:  “I will resolutely reject persons who dabble in the occult or traffic with mediums, prostituting themselves in their practices. I will cut them off from their people. Leviticus 20:6

“A medium or a wizard—whether man or woman—shall surely be stoned to death. They have caused their own doom.” – Lev. 20:6,27 

The following words also mean the same thing as witchcraft:

  • sorcery,
  • magic (black or white magic),
  • occultism,
  • divination,
  • wizardry,
  • necromancy,
  • astrology,
  • voodooism,
  • hoodoo,
  • palm reading,
  • consulting the dead,
  • consulting witch doctors,
  • spell casting,
  • spiritism. 

They are different words or variations of the same thing. So just because I use the word witchcraft does not exonerate any of these other practices.


Witchcraft is dangerous because:

  • God pronounces the death penalty against it
  • It is used to inflict pain and suffering
  • It can make people do horrible things to their loved ones (such as sacrificing their sons, daughters, or other loved ones in a fire or other rituals)
  • It diverts people away from God
  • It invokes evil spirits instead of the Holy Spirit
  • It leaves curses on bloodlines and family generations
  • It produces sickness and death
  • It invokes financial hardship and other setbacks
  • Witchcraft is one of today’s devices of the devil used to attack the plans of God in the lives of His people
  • Witchcraft activities can cause serious problems that defy human analysis

When there are witchcraft activities against someone’s life, they can suffer untold hardship that defies regular prayers and efforts to obtain deliverance and victory. God is against all forms of witchcraft.


  • Through birth
  • Through voluntary or involuntary initiation
  • Through participation in student cultism
  • Through evil food in the dream
  • Through witchcraft materials ignorantly acquired
  • Through inheritance
  • Through witchcraft books, magazines, objects, videos
  • Through sex with a witch, spiritist, sorcerer, magician, and their likes
  • Through consulting and using the services of witches and wizards or the likes in the past bathing in the river or being immersed in the river during childhood for some deliverance or healing.


  • consulting witch doctors in the past
  • involvement in the occult
  • student cultism
  • freemasonry
  • astrology
  • palm reading, and things like that
  • consulting with false prophets and visioners
  • having in one’s possession materials that have been used in witchcraft activities
  • living in houses under a witchcraft attack
  • living in an environment of darkness (witchcraft dominated environment)
  • generational stronghold
  • frequent indulgence in sex outside marriage
  • harboring grudges and unforgiveness
  • constant disregard and disobedience to God’s voice (conscience) in one’s heart


What are the things that show you’re under some witchcraft attack, or that you need to pray and rebuke witchcraft activities against your life?  

  • Seeing yourself lusting after someone in a very uncontrollable manner, or being sexually seduced in such a way that you can tell, is not normal
  • Always being lied against – lying spirits – in the place of work, family, or ministry
  • Experiencing extreme disfavor from people; whatever you do, no matter how sincere you are and how much effort you put in, it doesn’t make sense
  • Things are always breaking down in your life and home without any likely reason
  • People are always trying to take advantage of you, sexually, financially, or otherwise
  • Unusual influence over you to please someone even when the premise is wrong
  • Always being extraordinarily intimidated and threatened, causing you to fear and to follow along and comply without questioning
  • Feeling of or being controlled to do things you would not have done in your real and rational self
  • Always afraid for no reason
  • Seeing yourself in water dreams
  • Always seeing yourself in dreams trapped and unable to escape dangers
  • Finding yourself with strange people in dreams having a meeting
  • Always having losses or failure at the edge of a breakthrough
  • Extreme hatred and non-appreciation of your positive contributions
  • Not always appreciated for your efforts
  • The unexpected collapse of your sources of income or health without a reasonable explanation
  • Suddenly getting sick when a breakthrough is about to happen to you
  • Having a particular type of sickness that occurs at a specific season of the year
  • Constant attacks and beatings in dreams
  • Suddenly noticing strange insects, ants, bugs, or other creatures showing up in your house or wherever you are
  • Seeing cats, snakes, dogs, and other strange animals in dreams
  • Waking up sickly, especially after eating in the dream or being attacked
  • Choking sensations or feeling of being strangled and subdued while sleeping and struggling to move or get up
  • Things are always breaking and spoiling in your home
  • Hearing strange noises in the middle of the night
  • Feeling like an evil presence or being is following you around
  • Constant nightmares and troubling dreams that refuse to go away
  • Unusual fear, especially in the middle of the night
  • Regular sleeplessness, no matter how you try

“He who conceals his sins doesn’t prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy” – Prov. 28:13.

Okpara, Daniel C.. No More Witchcraft: 7 Days Spiritual Warfare Prayers to End Witchcraft Activities And Release Your Breakthrough