Have you ever met a believer who knew how to pray down a mountain but was as mean as a rattlesnake? There are a lot of Christians like that. They know the seven principles to this, and the four steps to that, but when it comes down to how they treat other people, they fall short. It doesn’t matter how spiritual you appear to be. If you aren’t walking in love with others, you are powerless. 

Most believers don’t understand the true meaning of love because they have only experienced human love and not God’s agape love.  Human love is the exact opposite of agape love. Human love is emotional and conditional. It always wants to be pleased. You can say that you love someone, but if someone offends you in some way your conditional human love or lack of same will kick in. You will now become hurt and offended.

God’s love, on the other hand, is unconditional, which means there is nothing you can do or say that can take His love away from you.  God’s love (agape love) doesn’t respond favorably based on what a person thinks and no one has to qualify to receive it. Agape love is always focused on the needs of others. When the Bible says that you should love God, it is referring to the verb form of agape which is agapeo.  

You probably feel that you are committed to several people in your life. For example, your friends, family, and career are all important commitments. But when you truly love God, you make a decision to place him above all of those things. It’s great to have relationships and material possessions, but you should never prioritize so many things that you fail to make your relationship with God your priority. Not only must you place your relationship with God first but you must also allow his love to govern your thoughts and your attitude. 

The benefits of committing your life to God are that you become empowered to bless others and can fulfill His will for your life. Allowing him to be in the driver’s seat of your life is a matter of trust. You have to be able to trust that he knows what’s best for you and that he will provide whatever you need. 

Love doesn’t stop with loving God only. You also have to show genuine love to others. Jesus’ entire ministry was focused on other people and their needs. There may be someone at your job that was just mean and difficult to be around. Through Christ, however, you have the ability to love that person and live with him or her in peace. Maybe you are having trouble with your spouse. When you demonstrate God’s love to him or her, things will change in your relationship. It may not happen overnight, but believe me it will have to. 

If you really love God then you must learn to love all people and there is no other way around it. The world is tired of hearing about our God without seeing the results of our commitment to Him.