On the sixth day of creation everything was ready. The heavens and the earth were complete and all the preliminaries finished. So God went to work on the first member of His family. He prepared to create man.
The first thing He did was form a body “out of the dust of the earth”. Sometimes people say God created man from dirt, but that’s incorrect. God fashioned the man’s BODY from the dust, not the man himself. Once the body was formed, God created the man the same way He’s created everything else.
Genesis 1:26-27
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
God never makes anything on a whim just to see how it would turn out. He had everything planned to the smallest detail before he started. When God made the planets and stars, he did it according to the blueprint already formed within him and when he formed the sea creatures, the birds, the animals, he made each one according to the pattern he’d designed beforehand.
When God created man, he did it with the same detailed precision, with one astounding difference. Instead of making man from an original design, GOD USED HIMSELF as the pattern (see verses 26-27). When God created man, he actually COPIED HIMSELF. He injected into man his divine DNA and God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.” Man is a soul and he has a body.
I believe the entire universe stood in rapt silence transfixed by what was happening when God was doing his final work of creation by creating an image of himself called MAN. All creation must have waited in awe as Almighty God, the Master Creator of the universe, brought forth the family He had planned and chosen before the foundation of the world. No created being in heaven or on earth had ever witnessed such a scene and it must have seemed inconceivable to all who watched. Coluld it really be that God was about to duplicate himself in this creature called man?
If you can, picture in your mind God standing up, holding Adam’s body in front of him. The first thing you notice was they are the same size. Adam’s form was just like God’s except it was limp and grayish looking. It didn’t have much color to it. When God spoke to Adam, He spoke right into his face. He didn’t blow into his mouth to get life into him. He just stood face to face with Adam. God’s nose was right in front of Adam’s nose. His mouth was level with Adam’s. His eyes looking into Adam’s eyes, seemed to be pouring into him everything God is. All His love, light, life, goodness, wisdom and mercy were being infused into this man. God was merging into Adam his very Being.
Multitudes of angels must have gathered to see the event. Why wouldn’t they? They had been created to serve this family God was about to bring forth. They must have wanted to see who they were supposed to be helping. They must have wanted to see for themselves this divine race whose future existence had already triggered a devastating heavenly war (see satan’s war against God and fall in Ezekiel)
As a living, speaking spirit like God, man had the same power to speak that God himself had. He was full of God’s own faith and had the authority to speak creative, compassionate words and exercise dominion with them.
Born of God’s WORD and created in His exact likeness, man was Love just like God is Love. Man was Light just like God is Light. Man was full of Compassion, jut like God is full of Compassion. Man was Life just as God is Life. The only difference between man and God was this: UNLIKE GOD, WHO IS ETERNALLY SOVEREIGN AND INDEPENDENT, MAN WAS DEPENDENT ON GOD.
In other words, God and man were so exactly alike that when the angels saw God and Adam together for the first time, they must have thought they were seeing DOUBLE because man was a spitting image of God!
God crowned this family of man he had created with glory and honor. He made them to “have dominion” over the works of His hands. He put all things under their feet.