- The Bible is God’s word. It is alive, powerful and completely without error.
- There is one God that exists in three persons: Father Son and Holy Spirit
- I believe Jesus is the son of God. He was fully God and fully human born of a virgin live the sinless life perform miracles died on the cross for every person, paid the full penalty for our sins to the shedding of his blood and on the third day he rose again from the dead and conquered death hell and the grave
- I believe I am saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, and not by good works.
- I believe repentance is the commitment to turn from sin and turn to God. When we surrender Lordship to God, we receive forgiveness and are born-again through the Holy Spirit and made new in Christ.
- I believe the church is the body of Christ, not a building. God dwells in every Christian through the Holy Spirit and empowers his people to fulfill Jesus mission on the earth. Every Christian is gifted and called to serve.
- I believe in the empowering work of the Holy Spirit. Given at Pentecost, it is the promise of the father sent by Jesus after his ascension to empower the church to preach and live the gospel through out the whole earth
- I believe the spiritual gifts of the spirit and fruits of the spirit are still active today.
- I believe in full immersion water baptism, just like Jesus did.
- I believe God desires to have communion with his children.
- I believe heaven and hell are real places. Every person was created to live forever and will live either separated from God for eternity due to sin or secured in his relationship with God. To be separated from God is hell to be secured in relationship with him is heaven.
- I believe Jesus will return to earth to establish his kingdom.